Thursday, November 20, 2008

Submarine Escape Suit

On a recent trip to Winnipeg I had the pleasure of being able to try out a friends Submarine Escape suit (Used by Canada, US and England I believe). This is an incredible suit and, in my opinion, is a form of bondage in itself. When the suit is inflated your body is held solidly in one position. Any movement becomes a struggle and, to deflate it yourself would be extremely difficult as, not only would it entail moving your arms, which are held out to your sides, together but also working small valves. This difficulty is compounded by the fact that your face is covered by two layers of clear plastic which, not only distorts your vision, but also quickly fogs up. Throw in the fact that the face coverings create a dead air space (The only opening is at the bottom of the hood at the front - just above the black piece on the suit) and you are partially re breathing the entire time you are in the suit. I loved it. My only complaint (and the reason that finally forced me to get out of it) was that the inner neoprene hood is very tight and puts allot of pressure on the lower jaw which eventually becomes painful.

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